Tumedanahaline noormees langes Eestis rassismivägivalla ohvriks: mind rünnati, sest olen MUST!


Rassism ja sellega seotud postitused on praegu väga aktuaalsed USAs toimuvate rahutuste tõttu, ent see ei tähenda, et probleem meist kaugel oleks. Eestis elav noormees Julius jagas Instagramis tema endaga siin samas Eestis aset leidnud rassistlikku vägivallaakti.

Julius Lwanga postitas oma Instragami pildi, kus on näha tema vigastatud nägu. Sellele järgneb mõtlemapanev ja aus ülestunnistus.

”Sellel pildil olen mina eelmise aasta oktoobris. Mind ründasid viis eestlast, kes karjusid mulle: n*gga, n*gga. Mind löödi ja ma üritasin vastu hakata, kuid see oli ühe võitlus viie vastu,” kirjutab Julius avameelselt.

Rünnak põhjustas noormehele tõsiseid tervisekahjustusi. ”Ma kaotasin peaaegu nägemise ning pidin päevi võitlema kohutava migreeniga, sest mu silm oli rünnaku tagajärjel muutunud valguse suhtes tundlikuks. Selle kõige kõrvalt pidin ma vaeva nägema, et saada kätte oma 60 EAP-d ülikoolis ning tegema tööd,” kirjutab noormees.

”Kui ma oleksin neid inimesi kuidagi provotseerinud, oleksin võinud selle rünnaku ise esile kutsuda, kuid mind rünnati, sest ma olen MUST!” lisab noormees.

Juliusele teeb muret maailmas toimuv ning ta paneb kõikidele südamele, et antud probleemiga tuleb tegeleda ning seda märgata. ”Rassism ei piirdu ainult USA-ga, see toimub ka siin Euroopas. Kui inimesed ütlevad, et mustal elul on tähtsus, siis ärge rääkige sellest poliitikas ning ärge kaitske oma rahvast – olge alandlikud ning pidage rassi teemaga seonduvaid raskeid vestluseid. Küsige oma tumedanahaliste sõprade käest olukorra kohta ja kuulake nende lugusid”, ütleb noormees.

”Ärge süüdistage Eesti venelasi. See on Eesti probleem. #BLACKLIVESMATTER!” ütleb Julius.


THIS IS NOT A FEEL SORRY FOR ME POST! IT IS A POST HIGHLIGHTING WHY WE ARE SAYING: BLACK LIVES MATTER! ✊???? . . This is me last year in October. I got attacked by five Estonians yelling N*gga N*gga at me. I got hit and tried to fight back, but it was one against five. What happened after that has affected every single area of my life and every single decision I’ve made over the last eight months. I nearly lost my eyesight. For days, I had to battle with terrible migraines becuase my eye was sensitive to light. Even the thought of light gave me pounding headaches. And then I had to battle my “ambitious” 60 ECTS for the semester + work. The next couple of months after that were brutal for me to be honest, but somehow by the Grace of God, made it through that semester. For me to know, that I was going through all this because some folk thought it okay to inflict pain on me because of the colour of my skin is something I will never comprehend. If I had provoked them or said a thing to them, I would may be have rationalized it. But I was targeted because I am BLACK! . . The past few weeks have been very difficult for me personally. Watching the videos of Ahmaud Arbery get killed because people apparently thought he was stealing. Then George Floyd murdered as he cried out to his deceased mum ???????? breaks my heart in ways that I can’t put to words. I see myself as one of them, and that scares and terrifies me about the world we live in today. ???????? I’ve tried getting on here to post something, but I couldn’t get myself to do so, because this is all too real and personal for me.. . . Racism isn’t confined to the US. Its happening here in Europe too. So when we say black lives matter, don’t make it about politics or get defensive about your nationality. Have the courage to humble yourself and have the difficult conversations about race. Check on your black friends and ask for their stories. Use your voice to fight for others. This is about kindness, love, and being human. I would love to see a much stronger response from my Estonian friends on here to be honest. And don’t blame it on the Russian-Estonians. It’s an Estonian problem. #BLACKLIVESMATTER!✊????✊????✊????

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